Thursday, May 9, 2013

Last week and losing Lucy Lu

So I mentioned last week was a bad week. It would make great material for a country song ... and occurrences this week aren't really making this one much better. Yes, whining.

Let's see, first my mom's dog died one week ago today ... that was a very big deal because I found her for mom, mom rescued her and had her for 12 years. Coincidentally, that same day, last Thursday, we thought my son had sprained his arm. He didn't ... there's more to it, but it's something I'll have to write about separately.

I wrote a little obit for Lucy Lu on another site and am sharing it below ... the few of you who know me on that "other site," have likely already read this, but for any anon folks, I'd like to post it here.

ALSO in other news (something positive), I went to yoga Tuesday and *again* yesterday, so I'm back in the hot room and have spent three hours so far this week sweating out the toxins. I'm sore as hell today. I'm sure I'll post more about yoga later but first let me tell you about lil Lucy Lu ...

Lucy Lu was a wonderful companion to my mother for more than a decade. After my mom's first Shitzu, Marcie, passed away at the end of 2002, I quickly took it upon myself to find a "replacement" companion for my mother ... I've since learned there is no such thing as replacing an animal, a soul.

So, knowing my mother liked the breed, I was all over seeking a Shitzu rescue, and I found Lulu, as I fondly referred to her ... she was a rescue, about two years old at the time, and she was found when boys were chasing her down the street with a stick. She was black and white, so I thought that her being a different color than Marcie (who was blonde), was likely a good thing.

She had two eyes at the time, but one was abscessed ... the vet said from blunt trauma ... and she'd already lost vision in that eye, and it was causing her pain ... but my mother took her took her anyway, and spent as much as it would cost to purchase an AKC Shitzu puppy in order to get her healthy. The vet removed the abscessed eye,  and Lucy lived just fine as a one-eyed dog for years.

Naturally, Lucy was never very trusting of many people. And I recall when I was pregnant, my mother saying, "If she even attempts to bite that baby, I'm going to find her a new home." Guess what? She never attempted to bite baby Ryder, and she was actually protective of him.

I'm very sad to share that Lucy passed away today. She had suffered from pancreatitis for several years, and my mom had been cooking homemade meals, chicken, greens, etc., in an attempt to help her issues.

My mother phoned me today that she had to take Lulu to the hospital, that Lulu was dehydrated, that they wanted to keep her 24-hours and provide an IV ...

So mom left ... went home to get Lulu's bed and blankey, and by the time she returned? Lucy had suffered a blood clot to her brain, which killed her.

I'm so very sad ... and I'm angry that I can't seem to find one good photo of our special Lulu to post here.

Please keep my mother in your prayers, as she goes through this transition of losing a very special soul. Luckily she has one other dog in her home right now, so she's not alone. And as long as I'm alive, she will never be alone.

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