This is going to be a year of firsts ... what, with the new ruling in place and all that re: conservatorship and all. (Spell-check is saying that I spelled that C-word wrong, but I'm ignoring it and don't believe it right now and don't feel like looking it up anyway).
It will be my first Thanksgiving where my son's father has possession of him. For the entire holiday. For five nights. And he's taking him out of state to see some of his family.
As if I didn't have enough to fret over, I really wasn't worried about being a topic of conversation among the herd of them (they are Catholic and multiply a-plenty), until someone said, "I'm sure you'll be a hot topic ..." (blah, blah, I can't think beyond that).
Really? Please don't instigate my worrying about something that I hadn't even thought of worrying about yet. Because while I am an ego-maniac, I'm not *that* narcissistic.
But wait, they might actually talk about me. It's possible.
I remember when I first met the matriarch of this bunch, and I remember the story I was told about a former daughter-in-law who divorced the eldest son. And do you know why she would do such a thing? I know, in hindsight, her explanation should have had me running for the hills.
Seriously, the matriarch of this family, a woman in her 60s at the time, told both me and my mother that the former daughter-in-law? Well the only explanation why she would divorce the eldest, most responsible son? Simple: Demonic possession. She was possessed by the devil. You know, Satan.
So really, why would I ever worry about what they might tell my son while they have him for a five-day stretch?
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