OK, so I managed to distract myself with work for a few hours. Or a couple. Yes, I know the difference between a "few" and a "couple." And I know that four-and-a-half hours until I speak with my son doesn't fall into either one of those categories.
Point is that I'm having a problem focusing today, and not one email has come in during the past 90 minutes, leaving me time to work on projects that I can focus ... but yeah, I'm having problems focusing today. I would probably have problems with that even if it was a regular day and my son was at school ... well, a regular Friday before a weekend holiday. Because weekend holidays? They kill Friday productivity anyway. By 3 p.m., no one is in the office, if they showed up at all, opting not to work from home. Friday productivity is an easy victim anyway, let's face it.
I'm kind of past the regular lunch time, too. So maybe I'll slip out early and get a manicure or go *buy something*. I am a firm believer in retail therapy.
I should also go to yoga, but I'm kind of on a hiatus. That's another story.
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