Monday, September 8, 2014

Blahs return

I am feeling overwhelmed ... likely due to approaching hearing date (boy's father is asking to have his monitoring accessories removed since he has almost completed his year).

I was depressed this weekend, second one in a row without the boy (I had one weekend with him during the entire month of August). I find myself angry at him because his absence hurts me, though I know it is not his fault.

I am overwhelmed at work and not feeling valued.

I hate the end of summer.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


I'm awfully late to the OITNB game, but out of sheer boredom this weekend, my mom and I began watching the first season. It was that or go see "The Fault in Our Stars," which mom thought was a bit too depressing for my fragile psyche these days.

I'm not sure what to make of the series just yet, though it's certainly entertaining and makes my life seem way less fucked up. Also, it provides some needed perspective into why I should refrain from being forced to wear orange.